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Ancient mathematicsHome_page_mark.jpg



In 1993Circle_white.jpg

Book: FEAR OF PHYSICS, A Guide for the Perplexed.
Nobel prized Lawrence Krauss explained the meaning of the circle in his a 203-page book. A scientist starts by drawing a circle. The idea of ​​the book was to assume a round cow.


In 2000 and After
Today we use a compass, but it points in a different direction in different parts of Finland. The Magnetic North Pole is not even at the North Pole, but about 1000 km towards Canada. See the magnetic fluxes in the picture. Then read the compass in the past ancient. The situation is the same in other countries. The red line on the right side of the picture is the meridian from the North Pole to the South Pole. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is on the meridian. The westernmost place in Western Europe and also my cottage on the meridian.
Circle_water.jpgIn its solid state, water is ice, and as a gas, it is water vapor. However, liquid water at room temperature and normal pressure are in constant motion. In very tight conditions, water takes on a hexagonal shape, where hydrogen atoms surround oxygen from six different directions. This is our new knowledge about water. In the ancient way, in which nothing was actually presented when I was studying.

Archaeologists assume that the Great Pyramid was built by Pharaoh Khufu. This is largely refuted by recent discoveries and writings that lead our thoughts back to antiquity.

"Khufu may have repaired it and then took credit for its construction"


In Japan, the standard length of a walk is 80 meters and the walking time is 1 minute. It is the standard used in real estate advertisements. For example, if a building is a 10-minute walk from a certain park or train station, it is 800 meters away.


In Year 2017

"A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900′s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time."


In year 2024

78656_equation_1.jpgEveryone knows the most famous energy equation, even printed on t-shirts. E = mc2.

The formula for the formation of iron (7,87 · 103 kg/m3) in its simplest form, no one knows this. Admittedly, the energy equation is also poorly known.

The EP Proportion calculation is an ancient way of studying the phenomenon. This is nature's way of phenomena and, as presented later, is related to the speed of light in near-space phenomena.
π/4 = 0.7854. After that, think about the hole and the round bar to be placed in it. The hole needs to be slightly larger than the round bar to fit through. Therefore, in the calculation, the value is 0.7856.


The specific gravity of iron divided by a factor of 1.25 is 6.28 radians.


5_fingers.jpgThe difference between ancient and modern science is: In ancient times, things were seen in themselves in many cases. Like our five senses, fingers and toes. Modern science is in spacetime, etc.

A four-dimensional world4_dimensions_a.jpg
1d Length  -  2d width
3d Height   - 4d Time
Obeliski.jpgAll modern attempts to erect an obelisk using the technique used by the ancient Egyptians have failed. At the same time, it must be remembered that these obelisks were quite small compared to the largest ones.
Can we then think that mathematical knowledge and technology were not required in ancient times? The literature explains the methods of erecting, disregarding the former.

