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In Year 46
The Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar, the old number was introduced around AD 46, when it resembled the Egyptian calendar. Its purpose was to correct the situation that arose in the calendar of the Roman Republic due to the absence of a leap day. This showed that something was being controlled in antiquity, knowledge of which had been lost at the beginning of our era.


In Year 1190

The magnetic compass was first invented as a device for divination as early as the Chinese Han dynasty (since c. 206 BC). The first usage of a compass recorded in Western Europe and the Islamic world occurred around 1190.


In Year 1202

Fibonacci_potret.jpgThe Italian Leonardo Pisano (from Pisa), nicknamed Fibonacci, wrote about zero. His well-known book, Liber Abaci, was published in 1202. In his book, he showed that counting was easier in Arabic arithmetic with the number zero. When Fibonacci recommended the calculation method to the Venetian merchants, they said that calculating with Roman numerals is easier and forbade the use of the proposed method of calculation.


In Year 1595
Europeans in the New World discovered natural deposits of asphalt. Sir Walter Raleigh described a “plain” (or lake) of asphalt on the island of Trinidad, near Venezuela. He used it for re-caulking his ships.


In the 17th Century
Blaise_Pascal_potret_2.jpgI'm pretty sure Blaise Pascal was a smart man. He spent perhaps thousands of hours thinking about the next pattern in our time. He was sure of the importance contained in it.
                                           1      1
                                       1      2      1
                                   1      3      3      1
                               1      4      6      4      1
Today I can explain, partially its importance.


Typewriter_Henry_Mill_1714_a.jpgIn Year 1714

The Englishman Henry Mill patented a device that made written text look printed. The story of the typewriter began.


Jacob Bernoulli
Jacob_Bernoulli_-50.jpgJacob Bernoulli (27 December1654 - 16 August 1705) Swiss scientist and mathematician. His most important discovery is the number e of the natural logarithm, when he discovered this fundamental mathematical constant. This happened by chance when he was looking at how the values ​​of number series are determined. e is approximately equal to 2.718281828459


Even in the middle of the 19th century, the age of the Earth was believed to be 7,000 years.

In 1905 Albert Einstein: Special Relativity

The laws of physics are the same for all observers in any inertial frame of reference relative to one another (principle of relativity).

The speed of light in vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the light source.

Albert_Einstein_potret_b.jpgAs far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far they are certain, they do not refer to reality.

Albert Einstein


Nikolai_Tesla_a.jpgToday´s scientists have substituded mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
Nikolai Tesla

How does the speed of light slow down?
When passing through the glass, the speed of light is halved, and after passing through the glass, the speed of light is again the speed in the atmosphere. The speed of light slows down due to the water molecules in our atmosphere. For this reason, uniform speed of light cannot be determined on Earth.

1918 the First Standard in Germany

Taper_pin_DIN_1.jpgAn important milestone in the history of standardization was the creation of the first standard, published in 1918. The first DIN standard, at that time known as a German Industrie-Norm (German Industrial Standard), defined the dimensions of and materials for taper pins under the title DI-Norm 1. Taper pins are conical connection elements used to hold machine parts together.
(More precisely, to keep the parts of the machine in their mutual position, when disassembling and assembling the equipment. Not intended for fastening, such as screws and nuts.)

In Year 1920 General Information About the Theory of Relativity

The basic idea of ​​general relativity is the structure of space. The physics community accepted special relativity in 1920. The theory quickly became an important and necessary tool for theorists and experimenters in the new fields of atomic physics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics. On the other hand, general relativity didn't seem to be that useful. It seemed to be of little use, as most applications were astronomical. For this reason, the use of the theory seemed to be limited to minor corrections in Newton's theory of gravitation.


In the 20th Century - Scientific Measurement

In the modern SI system, angle measurement is performed using measures of length and the result is expressed in "radians". A plane angle is defined in the SI system as a quantity where, for example, the value of a full angle is obtained from the ratio of the length of the circumference of a circle to the radius of the circle. In this way, we return to the ancient unit of angle in radians. 360 degrees is 6.28 radians. Without forgetting in this context the use of the degree in distant antiquity.

In Year 1959
The United States and the Commonwealth of Nations defined the international yard as exactly 0.9144 meters. As a derivative of this, the international inch was defined as exactly 25.4 millimeters. Before standardization, the differences between American and British inch standards caused difficulties in fine mechanics. In everyday life it had no practical meaning, but for example in the USA Rolls-Royce Merlin engines manufactured under license from Packard could not be used with Rolls-Royce spare parts and vice versa; in the American parts the Rolls-Royce engine was too tight, while in the British parts the Packard engine was consuming oil due to the different size inches and the tolerance problems they caused.
In Year 1969

"The valuable moonstone donated by the United States to the Amsterdam museum was a worthless piece of wood. The object thought to be a moonstone was given to Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees from the US ambassador in 1969."


